General Information


D.E.O. ( S.E.) D.E.O. (E.E.) D.I.E.T. R.M.S.A. S.S.A.

S. No. Title From Date
3801 Reg parents teacher meeting D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 27-09-2013
3802 Regarding udise survey 2013-14 S.S.A. (MIS) 26-09-2013
3803 Regarding probation cases D.E.O. ( S.E.) (ICT COORDINATOR) 26-09-2013
3804 Swami vivekanand janam shatabdi D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR) 26-09-2013
3805 Reg conference D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 26-09-2013
3806 Regarding acr perfoma for contractual computer teachers D.E.O. ( S.E.) (ICT COORDINATOR) 26-09-2013
3807 Painting competition(energy conservation 2013) D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR) 25-09-2013
3808 Painting competition (save water,secure future)(energy conservation-2013) D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR) 25-09-2013
3809 Regarding enrolment and posts D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 25-09-2013
3810 Reg. uc of school, minor repair and tour grant (concerned schools) D.E.O. ( S.E.) (RMSA) 25-09-2013
3811 Celebration of world heart day on 26-9-2013 S.S.A. (IED) 25-09-2013
3812 Schedule for october 2013 D.E.O. ( S.E.) (EDUSAT COORDINATOR) 24-09-2013
3813 Defaulter list of schools not participating in block level paper folding competition of maths S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 24-09-2013
3814 Letter regarding probation period of master/mistress cadre D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AMLA BRANCH) 24-09-2013
3815 Reg ncc unit traning D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 24-09-2013
3816 Regarding official duties in the district level tournament 2013-14 phase-2 D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AEO) 24-09-2013
3817 Adjustment of css hindi masters D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AMLA BRANCH) 24-09-2013
3818 Rev letters for team incharges, reg. dtc schedule,grounds D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AEO) 24-09-2013
3819 Defaulter schools for student and staff attendance (23-09-2013) S.S.A. (MIS) 23-09-2013
3820 Reg 26 january award D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 23-09-2013
3821 Vacancy list of vocational masters as on 31/08/2013 (only vocational school ) D.E.O. ( S.E.) (VOCATIONAL COORDINATOR) 22-09-2013
3822 Regarding station allotment to css hindi teachers D.E.O. ( S.E.) ( DEO(S.E.)) 21-09-2013
3823 Reg. team incharge duties D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AEO) 21-09-2013
3824 Revised dtc schedule D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AEO) 21-09-2013
3825 Regarding acr 2012-13 D.E.O. ( S.E.) ( DEO(S.E.)) 21-09-2013
3826 Rev. dtc schedule D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AEO) 21-09-2013
3827 Regarding september test 23.09.2013 D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 20-09-2013
3828 Regarding acr perfoma for regular computer teachers D.E.O. ( S.E.) (ICT COORDINATOR) 20-09-2013
3829 Regarding service book D.E.O. ( S.E.) (ACCOUNT BRANCH) 20-09-2013
3830 Regarding mobile allowance D.E.O. ( S.E.) (ACCOUNT BRANCH) 20-09-2013
3831 Reg. apprenticeship training D.E.O. ( S.E.) (VOCATIONAL COORDINATOR) 19-09-2013
3832 Reg exam paper D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 19-09-2013
3833 Reg panting compition D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 19-09-2013
3834 Important reminder nakal roko , seminar of all school heads D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR) 18-09-2013
3835 Defaulter schools for student and staff attendance (17-09-2013) S.S.A. (MIS) 18-09-2013
3836 Regarding postponed exam 18.09.2013 D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GENERAL BRANCH) 17-09-2013
3837 Nakal roko , seminar of all school heads D.E.O. ( S.E.) (GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR) 17-09-2013
3838 Defaulter schools for student and staff attendance (16-09-2013) S.S.A. (MIS) 16-09-2013
3839 Regarding admission in sainik school kapurthala D.E.O. ( S.E.) (EDUSAT COORDINATOR) 16-09-2013
3840 Maintanance and fault rectification of edusat equipment D.E.O. ( S.E.) (EDUSAT COORDINATOR) 13-09-2013
3841 Dtc phase-2 tournament D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AEO) 13-09-2013
3842 Adjustments order of master cadre D.E.O. ( S.E.) (AMLA BRANCH) 13-09-2013
3843 Regarding monthy report of iran and flock acid D.E.O. ( S.E.) (MDM (S.E.)) 13-09-2013
3844 Information regarding long absent case (principal, lecturer, master cader, c and v and non teaching) D.E.O. ( S.E.) ( DEO(S.E.)) 12-09-2013
3845 List of defaulters block not participated in district level model making and district level poster making competitions. S.S.A. (D.R.P. (S.ST./ ENGLISH)) 11-09-2013
3846 Regarding compilation of social sciences mid-line test report S.S.A. (D.R.P. (S.ST./ ENGLISH)) 11-09-2013
3847 Regarding checking of store and stock D.E.O. ( S.E.) (ACCOUNT BRANCH) 11-09-2013
3848 Regarding internet connection D.E.O. ( S.E.) (ICT COORDINATOR) 11-09-2013
3849 Regarding promotion master to headmaster left out case D.E.O. ( S.E.) ( DEO(S.E.)) 11-09-2013
3850 Regarding left out case of lecturer to pes group D.E.O. ( S.E.) ( DEO(S.E.)) 11-09-2013
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