MIS Jalandhar

Management Information System (MIS)

         The Management Information System (MIS) is an inevitable component of planning and implementation of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) Project. For effective implementation and monitoring of activities in the field of education, an MIS Cell is has been set up at the SSA Punjab State level Office at Chandigarh and in all  District Project Offices and Block Project Offices. The basic necessity for the success of any project is to have a continuous and unbiased assessment of the system. No project has ever been implemented successfully without a sound monitoring of decision support system.

         In order to improve the quality and effectiveness of educational planning and management, a variety of data is needed in a format that confirms to the requirement of user agencies operating at various geographical and administrative hierarchies. Design and management of a consistent, efficient and functional information system for such a dispersed institutional network is major challenge facing the education sector. The move towards decentralization of decision making may not reduce the need for centralised database and monitoring system but will multiply the demand for a integrated, consistent, comprehensive and comparable information system. Organising efficient machinery for this is a difficult task that requires much expertise as well as technological and financial inputs.

          Management of the project has to be done at the central regional and the local levels. For this a mechanism for collecting, processing and analysis of relevant data covering the progress of the implementation of the project at each stage will be necessary.

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Maintain by M.I.S. Wing, S.S.A., Jalandhar
Developed by MIS Wing, Jalandhar